Speakers for Schools is excited to present its weekly broadcast schedule! This schedule will be updated regularly and talks will be targeted to different age groups.
At The Beaconsfield School we are committed to ensuring all students have access to impartial careers advice from third party agencies, support in school and access to employers who can advise students when considering their future options.
Please do get in touch for any specific careers enquiries - careers@beaconsfield.school
Impartial careers advice in school is provided by our link worker Mrs Sue Cross
Click HERE to read our school careers policy.
To ensure we are providing a balanced careers programme, we link our careers guidance to the Gatsby Benchmarks which have been explicitly referenced throughout the DfE’s Careers Strategy (December 2017) and the new Statuary Guidance for Careers (January 2018). These 8 benchmarks are outlined below:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
Aims of the Careers Programme
The main components of the programme are:
- a planned programme of CEAIG for all ages
- access to independent and impartial information on opportunities in learning and work
- access to individualised careers guidance and support
- experience of the workplace to develop key employability skills
- To identify and reduce the likelihood of students becoming NEET or dropping out through a variety of interventions.
- ensure students have interactions with a variety of colleges, training providers, employers and universities in order to make an informed decision.
Watch pre-recorded broadcasts from our library here.
- Join 10 minutes before the broadcast to be ready
- You can join without needing an account – Watch how here
- For full speaker descriptions visit the Broadcast Schedule here
Nursing Cadet Programme
RCN Nursing Cadet programme in November is now recruiting and has been planned for Buckinghamshire partnering with HealthTec @ Buckinghamshire College Group as the Youth Partner & who will be hosting in their simulation centre.
The programme is ideal for anybody wanting to have a career in Health and Social care and is suitable for aspiring and committed students who want to progress to perhaps Nursing, paramedic, pharmacy, Healthcare Science, Medicine, etc..
There is 100 hours of teaching and 20 hours of observational placements ( similar to work experience)
The teaching will happen on Saturdays in November 2023 ( At HealthTec)
Placements during February half term with local employers
Application form
download_for_offlineApplication form
Application CV writing - Helpful tips for students
download_for_offlineApplication CV writing - Helpful tips for students
4 KS3 Parent carer information - To be sent home
download_for_offline4 KS3 Parent carer information - To be sent home
- Apprenticeships information download_for_offline
download_for_offlineApprenticeships information
- Information for Employers download_for_offline
download_for_offlineInformation for Employers
- Information for Students download_for_offline
download_for_offlineInformation for Students
- Labour market information LMI help students and their parents download_for_offline
download_for_offlineLabour market information LMI help students and their parents
- Oxford Health NHS FT Youth Board Poster 2023 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineOxford Health NHS FT Youth Board Poster 2023
- Provider Access Policy Jan 2023 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineProvider Access Policy Jan 2023
- TBS Career Fair Timetable download_for_offline
- Apprenticeships information download_for_offline
4 KS3 Parent carer information - To be sent home
Application CV writing - Helpful tips for students