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The Beaconsfield School A specialist Arts College

Graphic Products

Key Stage 3 Graphic Products

Year 7

The project set in Year 7 is a design and make project where the students are designing for themselves. The students initially crate a small product where we can assess their making skills based on the design & technology criteria.

We then move onto a project following the design process taking a set design brief through the following stages; research, creating a product specification, generating design ideas, developing them to a final design, planning how to make the product and making the product. Then we test and evaluate the product against the specification and initial brief.

We include some CAD in this project. The students produce a high quality product at the end of this process, whilst learning the theory behind graphic product materials and processes.

Year 8

In Year 8 the students follow the same design process but they design for a customer, this project again follows a set brief which includes the need for smart materials to be designed into their product. The project is studied over 9 weeks.

Year 9 - Introduction to GCSE Design Technology

Students focus in two material areas of their choice, the graphic product option includes the reinforcement of skills learnt over the previous two years and introduces a wide range of new skills and processes including CAD/CAM and smart materials, the skills are developed to be ready to take on the GCSE. The skills are introduced through mini practical projects. The students experience what a GCSE in Design & Technology Graphic Product would be like, providing the students with a good base to be able to take on the rigor of GCSE and achieve highly.