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The Beaconsfield School A specialist Arts College

Conduct & Behaviour

There are six Heads of Year at The Beaconsfield School. Their role is to ensure that the School’s values and standards are promoted and maintained throughout every aspect of the school day. 

The Heads of Year monitor the progress of each student in their year group and work closely with families to support students throughout their school life. Alongside the designated Assistant Headteacher, the Heads of Year are responsible for excellent standards of behaviour and attendance across the year group. Mr Bampton (Deputy Headteacher- Behaviour and Culture), overviews the work of the Heads of Years in Years 7-11 and holds overall responsibility for excellent standards of behaviour and attendance across the school. Mrs Young is ( Assistant Headteacher) overviews excellent standards of behaviour and attendance for the Sixth Form. 

The Heads of Year lead a team of mentors who meet with their mentor groups for twenty minutes every morning. During this time, students undertake private study, reading for pleasure and ethos activities whilst mentors are able to spend time with individuals and groups of students to monitor their academic progress and wellbeing. Any additional intervention needed by individual students also takes during this period of daily tutor time. 

The main work of the Heads of Year, with the support of mentors and our excellent Pastoral Support Officers, is to monitor the academic progress and pastoral wellbeing of each student. Through this support team, students will be guided appropriately through the key stages of their time with us – for example, transition from Primary School, choosing GCSE Options, advice on work experience placements and post-16 possibilities. We are also fortunate to have a permanent Head of Year 7 who oversees the Transition process, enabling the school to provide expert guidance at this crucial time. The other Heads of Year will move up the school with their year groups, becoming experts in the needs of each particular Year, and thus able to offer high quality support and advice to each student. 

All students on admission to the school sign the Stakeholders Contract agreeing to the school's Code of Conduct. Click on this link to see the full Behaviour for Learning Policy for further details.