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The Beaconsfield School A specialist Arts College

SEND And Local Offer


SENCO: Miss Juttla

Deputy SENCO: Miss O Smith

Contact via:

Tel:       01494 673450 School Office

Email:   senadmin@beaconsfield.school


At The Beaconsfield School we believe that every student has the right to a broad, balanced and highly aspirational education and is able to access the full range of the curriculum. It is our aim that all students, including those with SEND, fulfil their potential.

This ethos of inclusion requires the participation and support of all members of The Beaconsfield School. Although responsibilities are allocated in this policy, it is everyone’s responsibility to make sure that students are treated fairly and that their individual needs are met.

We will follow the ‘graduated approach’ assess, plan, do, review, a four-part ongoing cycle to put effective provision in place, reviewing and refining support and removing barriers to learning:

  • Assess
    This involves gathering information from a range of sources, including discussions with the student and parents/carers, in order to clearly identify barriers to learning.
  • Plan
    In consultation, planning and agreeing what will be put in place to the support the student, agreeing timescales and targets.
  • Do
    Implementation of the plan. Class teachers remain responsible for working with the student, in conjunction with the SENCO and other staff involved in any intervention.
  • Review
    Evaluating the quality and impact of the support and interventions.

Please click on link below for Buckinghamshire Local Offer information


 For SEND enquiries please email senadmin@beaconsfield.school

SEND policy and Information reports can be found here.


Therapy Dog



Parent Support


Everlief Resources 



Everlief have issued us with a resource to support students with autism or clear autistic traits.

They have provided us with a free workbook for parents whose child has had a recent diagnosis.

The workbook is called “Autism & Me” and is free to download and print.

The workbook is perfect for ages 8+

The workbook incorporates information about autism, as well as games and exercises to help children understand their own strengths and difficulties, and what is going to help them to live a happy and successful life.

Get your free Autism & Me workbook here: Get Your Free Autism and Me booklet