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The Beaconsfield School A specialist Arts College

Science at Key Stage 3

Science at Key Stage 3.

At The Beaconsfield School, we teach a 5 year programme of study. In the Key Stage 3 we  follow a scheme of work based on the AQA Activate course. All Key Stage 3 students have their own log in to access an online Kerboodle textbook as well as some of the resources used in lessons from the Activate schemes of work. Student progress is accessed throughout the year at 3 assessment points, with assessments covering biology, chemistry and physics topics which have been covered to date. Lessons contain as much practical work and independent learning as possible. Science is taught in 6 X 1 hour lessons over the 2 week timetable in years 7 and 8 and 9 X 1 hour lessons in year 9.

Topics covered in Year 7 are:

  • Biology- cells, movement, interdependence, pant reproduction, variation / adaptations, human reproduction and distribution of organisms
  • Chemistry- particle model, separating mixtures, elements, periodic table and acids and alkalis
  • Physics- energy transfer, contact forces, sound, light, universe, heating and cooling, speed and gravity

Topics covered in Year 8 are:

  • Biology- evolution, inheritance, breathing, digestion, nervous and endocrine, respiration, photosynthesis
  • Chemistry- metals and non-metals, types of reactions, chemical energy, earth structure, climate, earth resources
  • Physics- circuits, current, wave properties and effects, energy costs, magnetism, potential difference and resistance, work, electromagnetism and pressure

Topics covered in Year 9 are:

  • Biology- Cells and Transport, Cell Division, Organisation and the Digestive System, Organisation in Animal and Plants, Communicable Diseases and Preventing and treating disease
  • Chemistry- Atomic Structure, The Periodic Table, Structure and Bonding, Quantitative Chemistry and Rates of Reaction
  • Physics- Conservation and Dissipation of Energy, Energy Transfers and Heating, Energy resources, Electrical circuits and Forces in balance



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