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The Beaconsfield School A specialist Arts College

Teacher Training

There are numerous routes into teaching. At The Beaconsfield School we develop student-teachers through traditional university PGCE programmes and local  school base providers called SCITTS. Most postgraduate qualifications are fee paying; however, depending on your subject, bursaries may be available through the Department for Education or university.

The Beaconsfield School works in partnership with the following teacher training providers:  Astra School Centred Initial Teacher Training, Reading University, the University of Hertfordshire via the ‘Herts Bucks Alliance’, Kings College London and we also work with the Teach First Training Programme.


These providers ensure the quality of education experienced by student-teachers and is of the highest standard. 

The Beaconsfield School also works with The Bucks Hub Partnership (The Bucks Hub) in offering school-based Initial Teacher Training at The Beaconsfield School. The Bucks Hub has many years of successful teacher training experience and offers trainees an excellent school-based route to qualification through their uniquely tailored teacher training programme across Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire.

For more information, please contact ITTBucksHub@challonershigh.com or visit Train to Teach | Dr Challoner's High School (challonershigh.com)”.

 Links with Herts for Learning and the Bucks Learning Trust sustain contact with schools across both counties. 

The Beaconsfield School partners with  Astra School Centred Initial Teacher Training to provide training opportunities for new entrants to the teaching profession.

Over the last ten years, over 550 graduates have gone on to gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) through Astra, which works with approximately sixty local primary, secondary and special schools.

Astra training blends theory and practice, with both carefully structured school-based training and a focus on helping trainees develop an up to date knowledge and understanding of pedagogy in their specialist subject or phase. Throughout, Astra trainees are supported both by an in school mentor and a team of highly qualified and experienced tutors.

While a large number of teachers continue to enter the profession soon after university, increasingly teaching is a popular choice with career switchers.

Astra is able to support you as you apply and make your first steps into this challenging, varied and rewarding career, with regular open evenings and school taster placements available for those considering teaching.

For further information and details of training commencing next summer, please contact Astra via hello@astra-alliance.com or visit the Astra website.


For more information about SCITT/School Direct teaching routes can be found at:

Get into Teaching      https://getintoteaching.education.gov.uk

If you would like to express an interest in training at The Beaconsfield School please complete the form using the QR code:

Contact: Amanda Kelly Staff Development Coordinator

E-mail: akelly@beaconsfield.school